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10 things I’m seeing in the MSP space around OZ..

Posted on 11th January 2023 by Darren Saul

109040976 M

Here are 10 things I am seeing in the MSP space around OZ..

👉 In no particular order..

1. The market is as active as ever with loads of MSPs looking for quality talent across the country - so move quickly and decisively when securing talent!

2. Talent is still scarce and it’s a candidates’ market - yes there’s lots of choice but don’t fall into the trap behaving from a place of arrogance/ego..

3. The need for companies to be recruiting proactively is as important as ever before - keep an eye out and engage with talent continuously - when you need them it may be too late! 

4. What worked last year may not work as well this year - sourcing needs a very creative approach. Think outside the box, value/nurture your sourcing partners - whoever they are!

5. The hybrid working model is still very in demand - both companies and talent are seeing the benefits of a mixed home/office arrangement - but a 100% home-based role may lack too many learning, development and collaboration opportunities..

6. Teams/Zoom interviews are here to stay! They are just too efficient..

7. I am seeing MSPs continue to move very fast on the uptake which is great! 

8. Salaries are still holding strong from last year - but be realistic - don’t expect a salary increase of $20k if you move!

9. Text and messaging are still very efficient ways to communicate with talent during the process - but beware and know when to text and when to call!

10. The attention on LinkedIn is ever-growing - hence this post..  


Here’s to a great 2023!