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A man looking through binoculars.
By Darren Saul 31 May, 2024
Yes the IT market is “on fire” at the moment and it’s very much a candidate’s market - which is great! However - that doesn’t mean that you can drop the ball on how you interact with your recruiters and hiring managers. If you conduct yourself with honour, integrity, professionalism and always strive to go that “extra mile” you will build a CAREER rather than just secure your next role. So what do recruiters and hiring managers really look for in their search for their next hire? Yes of course skills and experience are very important but sometimes “who” you are can trump a competitor that may be a little more qualified “on paper”.. Common traits displayed by the exceptional: You are always prepared and on-time (if not early) You listen more than they speak - and when you speak you articulate your story with pinpoint accuracy You ask loads of intelligent questions You emanate enthusiasm You exude confidence, self-awareness and humility You are open minded You are positive, patient and easy going - never abrasive You usually have a strong idea of where and what they want to be You take training and self-development very seriously and are always looking for ways to develop further You don't tend to move from job to job every 6 months but have very compelling reasons for it if they did They have sound drivers for wanting to explore new career options If asked to provide further information you do so extensively and promptly You are always accountable for your actions and undertake self-analysis and self-critique every step of the way.. There you have it - like everything - it's all in the nuance.. HAPPY HUNTNG!
By Darren Saul 31 May, 2024
Here are 10 things I am seeing in the MSP space around OZ.. 👉 In no particular order.. 1. The market is as active as ever with loads of MSPs looking for quality talent across the country - so move quickly and decisively when securing talent! 2. Talent is still scarce and it’s a candidates’ market - yes there’s lots of choice but don’t fall into the trap behaving from a place of arrogance/ego.. 3. The need for companies to be recruiting proactively is as important as ever before - keep an eye out and engage with talent continuously - when you need them it may be too late! 4. What worked last year may not work as well this year - sourcing needs a very creative approach. Think outside the box, value/nurture your sourcing partners - whoever they are! 5. The hybrid working model is still very in demand - both companies and talent are seeing the benefits of a mixed home/office arrangement - but a 100% home-based role may lack too many learning, development and collaboration opportunities.. 6. Teams/Zoom interviews are here to stay! They are just too efficient.. 7. I am seeing MSPs continue to move very fast on the uptake which is great! 8. Salaries are still holding strong from last year - but be realistic - don’t expect a salary increase of $20k if you move! 9. Text and messaging are still very efficient ways to communicate with talent during the process - but beware and know when to text and when to call! 10. The attention on LinkedIn is ever-growing - hence this post.. HAPPY HUNTING! Here’s to a great 2023!
By Darren Saul 31 May, 2024
The success of your recruitment/hiring process relies on many factors performed well right from the get go. Otherwise you may be surprised at the result.. Here are 12 strategies to keep in mind.. Take time at the beginning of the interview to build strong rapport. Always take the friendly approach. Use humour and creativity. Try to find common ground (you will definitely need it later on) Ask insightful (prepared) questions that challenge and allow the candidate to answer in terms of you, your organisation and the role. Intelligent questioning is probably THE most valuable tool for creating rapport and credibility Give them a very strong sense of the culture and management style. Offer details and examples. Share documentation that outlines your Employee Value Proposition (or EVP) Paint an extensive picture of the role and daily responsibilities - they need to envision and "feel" what it would be like in the role day to day Give them a clear outline of what you see as the progression path including training and development - candidates love training even more than $$! Sell the BENEFITS (not features) of the role and organisation Outline the package/rates on offer in detail ie. base, super, car, parking, technology, training, bonus, gym, health insurance...(either to your recruiter or directly if all parties are comfortable with this) Explain the "standard" working hours and any shift work (and how they will be compensated for overtime) Outline the scope for any WFH (work from home) opportunity Take them on a tour of the premises.. Allow them to meet at least a few of the team members - coffee or lunch is great! Maintain a strong sense of positive MOMENTUM - give very prompt and detailed feedback. There is no bigger killer to the enthusiasm of a candidate than a long delay in the interview process - even no message sends a very clear message! 👉 BENEFITS: Shorter recruitment cycles, increased productivity and morale, more time for business, more loyal customers, more coffee and muffins.. REMEMBER: A candidate's decision to "buy" (or in this case "accept") is formed in the heart first and then justified by the mind. It's an EMOTIONAL decision and we have to understand this! 👉 Great - they have accepted - now you just need to keep them..
By Darren Saul 29 May, 2024
MSP OR STAY INTERNAL? A question I get asked all the time.. They both have a place - it all depends on what you are looking for.  ​Here is a little breakdown.. INTERNAL PROS: - get to work on and really "own" one technical environment - work with the same exact team every day - no need to worry about timesheets and billable hours - suits someone that is a little resistant to change and likes the status quo - you can become a specialist in one or a few technical areas CONS: - less variety and technical exposure in your everyday - potential that you may be pigeonholed with regards to technology - slightly reduced chance of training and development - work in the same exact location every single day MSP PROS: - get to work with different technology and on different technical environments on a daily basis - work with different people every day - suits someone that loves to learn and loves a dynamic workplace where no 2 days are ever the same - work and learn from the best in the industry - you will become a very strong technical generalist - work with cutting-edge technology much earlier - more chance for project work - more training and career development CONS: - have to worry about timesheets and billable hours - have to do more on-call, after-hours work - may have to travel more to multiple-sites
By Darren Saul 29 May, 2024
​It takes a lot of time and work to recruit in this market. So make sure you are closer than ever before to your employees’ dreams and aspirations - that way they won’t be tempted to move on..  Here are a few tips.. Give employees a strong Purpose or WHY! Give them a clear roadmap for their career growth, training and certification Recognise and reward them - in a “genuine” way where the situation warrants - we can all see through fake compliments all too easily.. Offer flexible and remote work options where possible Set clear expectations periodically throughout their journey - this allows them to take ownership and pride in what they do Delegate, trust and empower your team to make decisions Always subscribe to the philosophy of open and honest communication Put in the work to create a collaborative work environment where employees can work together and support each other Implement a staff mentoring/buddy system to train new staff with experienced team members Conduct frequent two-way reviews to build the lines of communication and confirm expectations Promote, monitor and encourage employee health and wellness Create more opportunities for input and buy-in which leads to a stronger culture, higher quality work and better customer service! Create a friendly/approachable/fun atmosphere where people are happy (even better: proud) to work Pay them well! Offer competitive salaries, after hours compensation, training incentives and bonus structures where possible.. Be as accessible as possible - spend time in the "trenches with your troops".. HOWEVER if you must go to market to recruit new talent to your organisation here are a few things to consider.. If you want to hire the best people in the market and build a unique culture you need to think about a recruiting proactively - always have your ear to the ground with respect to quality individuals in your space Ensure you have put in the time and resources to develop a very strong EVP (Employee Value Proposition) ie. what's in it for them?..and make sure you know how to articulate and SELL it! Create as many touch points as possible during your process. One meeting is often not enough to generate the emotional buy-in you need on the part of the candidate. How they FEEL is the single most important ingredient to ensure they say YES. This could be follow up calls or zooms, a lunch/coffee with your team or management, a day of work to see how they like it - the list is endless but very important! A candidate’s decision to accept is formed in the heart first and then justified in the mind.. If you are looking to secure the best talent in the market TIME is your biggest adversary. Quality candidates are very scarce and you have to be prepared to move VERY fast - or your competitors will grow their business with all your best potential assets..I couldn’t be more passionate about this! So do your best to keep your people super happy and loyal - but if you must recruit make sure you conduct a quality and timely process - otherwise you may be surprised by the result..
By Darren Saul 29 May, 2024
It applies to anything and it's EVERYTHING. Do you have a brand? Is it First Class or Economy? *** Everything you say and do (in both the real and virtual world) is either strengthening or weakening your personal brand ** Personal Branding is: "WOW" people! EVERYTHING you do has the potential to be WOW if you desire it. WOW people are remembered, respected, trusted and sought after BE DIFFERENT! What are you doing to stand out and be counted?? Positioning yourself as a person of value that can help other people Being known as a “doer” rather than a “this is what I want to doer” Always being that smiling, friendly, enthusiastic, passionate and professional person where nothing is ever too much trouble Being known as a leader, a participant, and not just a wall-flower Someone who can listen instead of always talking! Always being prepared - preparation is half the battle already won. Being confident - the execution of any action is rendered merely mediocre and will not have the desired effect (confidence also comes from preparation) Having a great sense of timing - the correct action at the wrong time is useless Being a person of action! Activity breeds results.
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